About me

 About me

Hi, I'm Steve and as you can probably tell, I really enjoy Whisky. The name 'Geordiedrams' comes from the fact I'm from Newcastle, England (where we're commonly called Geordies) and the drams part speaks for itself. I initially created the name when I was becoming more active in whisky-related social media circles such as Instagram and Twitter or 'X'. I wanted to talk about everything whisky whilst also being a huge fan of Newcastle Utd Football Club. 

My whisky journey began when I was in my late 20's or 30 years old. A friend introduced me to whiskies such as Talisker, Lagavulin and Dalmore, and I was instantly hooked. I spent the first couple of years buying nothing other than repeat bottles of Dalmore Cigar Malt, Talisker 10 year old and the old Benromach 10. This beginning is different to many, in that my first whiskies were all peated or smoked. Naively, I thought ALL whisky was peated, until I attended my first whisky festival in which I was able to try a variety of peated and non-peated drams. A few hours later and with my vision and speech significantly impaired, I knew this was a journey which would require more time, exploration and money (but not until I recover from this session!). 

My collection grew over a number of years and I currently sit with approximately 37 open bottles and a handful stashed away for future tasting. You see, I'm not a believer in collecting whisky and leaving the glorious liquid untasted to make a profit on in later life. For me, I want maximum experiences in this short life we have. 

10 years in, I still consider myself a whisky novice. I try to attend tastings online and face to face and I'm a member of the North East Whisky Appreciation Society (NEWAS), who you can find on Facebook. They are a great group for offering tasting sessions and general whisky discussions and banter. 

I've started this blog, mainly because I have a terrible memory and I want somewhere to record my tasting notes and thoughts as I make my way through my future whisky catalogue. However, I also want to provide a place for independent reviews, so that anyone who cares can have another reference guide when considering their whisky purchases. 

If you see me at a festival or tasting session, stop and say hi and we can chat over a good dram or 2. 

Happy reading and I hope you find some of this information either entertaining, helpful, insightful or lets aim lower and just basically not completely dull. 


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