Wednesday 31 January 2024

Glen Scotia Mermaid review

    Whisky Review 

Glen Scotia Mermaid 12 year old

Icons of Campbeltown 

RRP: £90

ABV: 54.1%

Maturation: Finished in Palo Cortado sherry casks. 

"There is enough depth and complexity here to keep you wanting to explore further and keep revisiting this fabulous and special dram"


Definitive sea-salt, coastal character with a joyful addition of sweet caramelised apples. Hints of leather, crème brûlée and a touch of spice (cinnamon?).  


A combination of sweet and salty notes battle for attention on the palate. More caramelised apples too. Maritime salinity takes over with helpings of seaweed, leather and oak, finished with a dry and wonderful typical Glen Scotia signatory wash of sea salt, smoked meats and honey. This doesnt feel like a peated whisky but the subtle spice and oak influence are providing a terrific balance to the sweetness of the palo cortado sherry. There is enough depth and complexity here to keep you wanting to explore further and keep revisiting this fabulous and special dram. 



This release has easily won me over. It offers a unique, but not overbearing twist to the Glen Scotia maritime character. The palo cortardo finish compliments rather than dominates. A tad expensive in my opinion at £85-90 for a 12 year old, but then whisky prices in general have gone a bit mad. Glen Scotia provide a QR code on the packaging where you scan to watch an artists narrative of what the Icons of Campbeltown story is all about. We also get an age statement, a healthy abv and natural colouring and to be honest, any Campbeltown whisky fan wouldn't be disappointed to have this great dram in their collection. 

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

Monday 29 January 2024

Glen Moray Private Cask Peated Cognac 8yo - review

    Whisky Review 

Glen Moray Peated Cognac

Private Cask. (Distilled: 2015 Bottled: 2023)

RRP: £65

ABV: 59.7%

Maturation: Cognac fully matured

"It's smooth, friendly and inviting. It's a memory bank of summer barbeques of old, finished off with a quality Italian coffee."


Barbequed meats and fruits. It offers a blend of sweet and savoury aromas. A strong, charismatic peat smoke influence combines wonderfully with honeyed berries. There is something musky here too, like engine oil, oak and leather. Certainly showing complexity on the nose and I cant wait to dive in....  


Generous helpings of heart warming peat smoke as the theme of barbequed meats continue on the palate. This takes me back to memories of summer barbeques with good beer, good company and everything tasting slightly burnt, but in a good way. Wood tannins, coffee beans and dark chocolate are evident on the finish. This is, quite simply, memories in a bottle for me, The depth of this dram has me captivated with analysis. I've had a few peated whiskies by Glen Moray and they all seem to offer a wonderful flavour profile. They're never overpowered with either ash, smoke or medicinal tones. They offer balance and maintain the sweet Glen Moray character. This invites me back again and again, I mean who doesn't enjoy memories of summer barbeque and a fantastic flavour profile to match. This doesn't need water adding in my opinion. Let the abv transport the full flavour profile and take your time with it, 



Outstanding!!! At no point does the abv of 59.7% show its ethanol brashness. Its smooth, friendly and inviting. Its a memory bank of summer barbeques of old, finished off with a quality Italian coffee. I'm delighted to have this in my collection. I just wish I had bought more. This is honestly as close to a 10/10 I think whisky can get for me. 

An 8 year old, cask strength, peated cognac release which ticks every box there is, whilst coming in at a great price. Glen Moray, a distillery not afraid to experiment with cask finishes whilst having customer affordability and taste preferences in mind. There is something for everyone at Glen Moray with their range. But this peated cognac cask, I wish was all mine. 

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

Sunday 28 January 2024

Arran 18 review

   Whisky Review 

Arran 18  (2022)

ABV: 46%

Maturation: Sherry

"It's so good it's simply a crime they don't make this anymore."


First thing i notice is that this whisky smells like it has a higher abv than the stated 46%, packing a powerful punch on the senses. After this initial surprise, and as the senses adjust, I get a helping of apricots and peach. There is some spice present with honey and pepper.  


Sweet peach juice initially as spices then become more predominant and start to grow. There is salt, pepper and wood tannins. The finish is a wonderful wave of intense peach juice with a mixture taken from your spice cupboard. Fresh leather and dark chocolate, typical of sherry casks are showing their influence also, 


A marvellous dram. Its provides a glorious depth of flavour profile with its ability to incorporate the fresh peach juice and honey soaked dark chocolate along with a pinch of black pepper and Asian spices mixture. It's so good its simply a crime they don't make this anymore. 



This is a whisky to savour, to spend time with. Pour a dram, let it sit for 20 minutes or so and sip slowly throughout the evening with minimal distractions. If ever there was a sophisticated dram, this is it. It has a wonderful mixed flavour profile with added complexity. Rarely found available anymore but you may be able to pick one up at auction or secondary market. Expect to pay upwards of £90-100 though, but its worth it! This is a 2022 bottling and I understand older bottlings are a lot darker in colour. Placed side by side with the Arran 10 year old, there wasn't huge difference in colour with this bottling. Regardless, its a great, great whisky. Its not a 9 because I'd like a slightly higher abv and more availability. These are factors I account for in my personal scoring, which I know isn't to everyone's taste.  I'm scared to let this get past the halfway mark as once its gone, I know I probably wont be able to replace it. But writing this makes me realise that whisky is a journey, and like all journeys there must be an end, but its about the memories made on the way!

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

Monday 22 January 2024

Glen Scotia Victoriana - review

  Whisky Review 

Glen Scotia Victoriana (2023)

RRP: £65-75

ABV: 54.2%

Maturation: Heavily charred oak

"Notes of maritime salinity and sea breeze. Very coastal, sweet and inviting"


Sweet on the nose. Vanilla fudge with caramelised sugar. Some notes of maritime salinity and sea breeze. Very coastal, sweet and inviting. I don't get any smoke or peat on the nose here. 


Slow to develop on the palate for me, but once it does, the sweetness is the first thing to grab my attention. Some spice and salt are starting to get the tongue tingling and now come the dried fruits and caramel. Something is triggering the memory bank here. I'm getting oysters. I think its the sea salt influence with the added hint of spice is reminding me of having oysters with tabasco hot sauce. 


Dry on the finish with a terrific waft of smoke, wood and sea salt. A dram which offers depth and complexity and a healthy offering of coastal smoky character. 



A very good whisky. Campbeltown character on full display. The Victoriana gains a good reputation amongst the whisky community for a reason. Prices have started to creep up for this bottle, possibly as a result of its growing popularity and this has been factored into my personal scoring here. It's not quite enough for an 8 as its not a show-stopper and the price would put me off a re-purchase unless found in a healthy sale, but its got enough character and ticks too many of the boxes to be considered any lower than a 7. Lets agree on a high 7! :)

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

Saturday 20 January 2024

Deanston 2008 12yo Oloroso review

  Whisky Review 

Deanston 2008 12yo Oloroso

RRP: £70-75

ABV: 52.7%

Maturation: Oloroso

"Very dry and warming with dark fruit and spices evident throughout."


Strong dark fruit influence. I get black cherries and dark chocolate. Something mocca-esque here due to the creamy and chocolate notes. Treacle and brown sugar evident in the background with a touch of spice. 


The oloroso jumps forward to present immediate sweetness and warmth on the palate. After that, the spices hit and start to stimulate. Dark fruits and chocolate again. The spice is either nutmeg or cinnamon. Something quite festive about this for sure. 


Very dry and warming with dark fruit and spices evident throughout. Definitely a winter warmer in my opinion. Fruity and Spicey. 



Its a very good whisky which has unique qualities. A festive winter warmer. Certainly one worth checking out. I cant score this higher than a 7 as I don't feel its a stand out show-stopper. Its also better than a 6 due to its unique qualities and one you would want to take your time with when you pour a dram of this offering. Worth checking out! 

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

Thursday 18 January 2024

Raasay distillery release review

 Whisky Review 

Isle of Raasay - distillery special release (6813)

ABV: 52%

UK retail price: £85

Maturation: Peated ex-rye whisky cask and finished in ex-oloroso and PX quarter casks

"I'm keen to try more from Raasay after this very respectable introduction to their releases"


Gentle and light, the first aroma gives off notes of summer fields and heather. There are some spices kicking around, aniseed and nutmeg I think and a touch of black pepper. Some golden syrup and a background presence of smoke trying to hide. Lets go in....


Spices shoot to the forefront here. Black pepper is present again on the palate, battling it out with the sweet sherry influence. Its balanced and complex. Lots going on with each sip. The finish is smoky and dry with added spice. Some BBQ notes arise within the smoke to add a further dimension and texture to this fine dram. 


I'm really impressed. For what must be a youthful whisky, it's pleasant and gentle despite its abv. It doesn't require water in my opinion as you get all the complexity and depth just fine without further dilution. 



Its dam good whisky and I'd buy this again. Slightly biased on this bottling as this hold sentimental value for me. Having not long been engaged, my fiancé and I began the search for a perfect engagement ring. On the day we bought it, obviously both delighted, we then walked a few yards to the nearby whisky shop where i was presented with the opportunity to try a few free drams prior to purchase. This was the winner and I bought this bottle for £85.  Regardless of the sentiment, I'm keen to try more from Raasay after this very respectable introduction to their releases. 

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Springbank 10 review

  Whisky Review 

Springbank 10

ABV: 46%

Maturation: bourbon and sherry

"The ash smoke with sea salt character is simply quite exceptional"


An explosion of fruit, honey/syrup and maritime sea notes. Eyebrows already raised, I go back in and there's more to be found. Subtle oak influence with coffee beans and ash, like an old bonfire which toasted marshmallows a few ago, leaving its remnants of ash smoke, sugar and corn syrup. Very inviting start.....


A thick coating on the mouth, surprising for the loa ABV, but the reputational quality of Springbank is shining through early. A burst of tropical fruits fight for superiority. Hints of black pepper and syrup are fighting for attention. That ash peat influence seems to be calibrated at the perfect amount as the liquid vanishes with a dry, smoky and long enjoyable finish. For those with a sweet tooth like me, it invites you back in for a return of the fruity sugar rush again. The ash smoke with sea salt character is simply quite exceptional. 


Springbank get A LOT of hype amongst whisky geeks and its for good reason. They're a distillery which choose quality over quantity, which leads to extreme competition regarding any release of stock. This is understandable to whisky connoisseurs who want to enjoy its liquid. However, it also leads to people recognising how to make a 'quick-buck', and flipping their purchase onto secondary markets for anywhere up to x4 the price they paid. And whisky fans are paying it!  This isn't Springbank's fault of course, but its pushing many whisky collectors who want to open and enjoy their bottles into searching for other distillery offerings. 



Rant over and back to the whisky. It's bloody good!! Its unique and its quality shines through. I wouldn't break the bank to get it, and your best bet is auction sites online where flippers are occasionally cashing in on their 'investments'. I paid £60 for mine via a popular whisky shop in Aberdeen, which sold out in minutes. 

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

Sunday 14 January 2024

Ardnamurchan AD 09.22 (cask strength) review

  Whisky Review 

Ardnamurchan AD 09.22 

ABV: 58.4%

Maturation: bourbon with 5% sherry. (80% peated and 20% unpeated) 

"A hint of spice tingles at the tongue whilst the youthful character of this dram gives a powerful punch"


This certainly starts with a sweet aroma. I'm getting sticky toffee pudding, a touch of spice and the peat smoke is evident on the nose. Burnt sugar, like crème brulee. A small helping of berries and charred oak.    


A hint of spice tingles at the tongue whilst the youthful character of this dram gives a powerful punch. Sea salt and strong notes of almonds and peanuts. The smoke offers a drying ashy aftertaste with black pepper and gin. 


I first sampled Ardnamurchan in early 2023 at a festival, where I tried the core 46% bottling next to the cask strength. I certainly preferred the cask strength in offering more punch and flavour and I was, and still am, impressed by the bang for the buck you get with this cask strength bottling. I look forward to seeing where this distillery go in terms of future releases which are proving popular amongst the whisky community. A sign that what they're doing in terms of releasing high quality whisky at affordable prices will hopefully continue going forwards. 



This is a good 6. Its a great cask strength offering which ticks all of the boxes which most whisky enthusiasts look for. This retails at approximately £65 but can be found cheaper online at auctions. Ardnamurchan are a distillery quickly making a name for themselves and I for one will certainly be on the lookout for future releases. The 6 is just due to personal palate preferences, but in terms of its quality, pricing and availability, it gets a thumbs up from me! 

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only.