Wednesday 17 January 2024

Springbank 10 review

  Whisky Review 

Springbank 10

ABV: 46%

Maturation: bourbon and sherry

"The ash smoke with sea salt character is simply quite exceptional"


An explosion of fruit, honey/syrup and maritime sea notes. Eyebrows already raised, I go back in and there's more to be found. Subtle oak influence with coffee beans and ash, like an old bonfire which toasted marshmallows a few ago, leaving its remnants of ash smoke, sugar and corn syrup. Very inviting start.....


A thick coating on the mouth, surprising for the loa ABV, but the reputational quality of Springbank is shining through early. A burst of tropical fruits fight for superiority. Hints of black pepper and syrup are fighting for attention. That ash peat influence seems to be calibrated at the perfect amount as the liquid vanishes with a dry, smoky and long enjoyable finish. For those with a sweet tooth like me, it invites you back in for a return of the fruity sugar rush again. The ash smoke with sea salt character is simply quite exceptional. 


Springbank get A LOT of hype amongst whisky geeks and its for good reason. They're a distillery which choose quality over quantity, which leads to extreme competition regarding any release of stock. This is understandable to whisky connoisseurs who want to enjoy its liquid. However, it also leads to people recognising how to make a 'quick-buck', and flipping their purchase onto secondary markets for anywhere up to x4 the price they paid. And whisky fans are paying it!  This isn't Springbank's fault of course, but its pushing many whisky collectors who want to open and enjoy their bottles into searching for other distillery offerings. 



Rant over and back to the whisky. It's bloody good!! Its unique and its quality shines through. I wouldn't break the bank to get it, and your best bet is auction sites online where flippers are occasionally cashing in on their 'investments'. I paid £60 for mine via a popular whisky shop in Aberdeen, which sold out in minutes. 

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

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