Monday 22 January 2024

Glen Scotia Victoriana - review

  Whisky Review 

Glen Scotia Victoriana (2023)

RRP: £65-75

ABV: 54.2%

Maturation: Heavily charred oak

"Notes of maritime salinity and sea breeze. Very coastal, sweet and inviting"


Sweet on the nose. Vanilla fudge with caramelised sugar. Some notes of maritime salinity and sea breeze. Very coastal, sweet and inviting. I don't get any smoke or peat on the nose here. 


Slow to develop on the palate for me, but once it does, the sweetness is the first thing to grab my attention. Some spice and salt are starting to get the tongue tingling and now come the dried fruits and caramel. Something is triggering the memory bank here. I'm getting oysters. I think its the sea salt influence with the added hint of spice is reminding me of having oysters with tabasco hot sauce. 


Dry on the finish with a terrific waft of smoke, wood and sea salt. A dram which offers depth and complexity and a healthy offering of coastal smoky character. 



A very good whisky. Campbeltown character on full display. The Victoriana gains a good reputation amongst the whisky community for a reason. Prices have started to creep up for this bottle, possibly as a result of its growing popularity and this has been factored into my personal scoring here. It's not quite enough for an 8 as its not a show-stopper and the price would put me off a re-purchase unless found in a healthy sale, but its got enough character and ticks too many of the boxes to be considered any lower than a 7. Lets agree on a high 7! :)

*This whisky was self-purchased and the above review reflects my personal opinions only. 

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